Monday, May 3, 2010

The Usual Rules: Blog 1 & 2

Blog 1:In the Usual Rules by Joyce Maynard starts with a comparison. Wendy compares her life to Peter Pan. Wendy lives with her Step Dad and his son, and her mother. She gets up on a daily basis with her step dad because her mother sleeps in. He usually makes her a delightful breakfast, so she claims. Her life other then compared to Peter Pan is quite different then you'd think. Many people when their parents get married they usually, not always, suspect their "new" family member. Wendy at first of course didn't really appreciate her step dad but really learned to like him. Ever since her mom got re-married she has really learned to like and has built quite the relationship with him.

Blog 2: Wendy began to talk about her father. Her dad lives away from her and she doesn't really like him. Her mom wanted to plan a trip for her, when Wendy heard that she wasn't to excited. She had explained a little about how he really just hasn't been around in her life so she wasn't the biggest fan of him. Also, if she went go and visit him she really wouldn't have much to say because she hasn't really had a relationship with him. Sometimes when parents split up at such a young age kids aren't able to build a relationship with their other parent because maybe they had moved away and chose not to ever take their son/daughter.

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